I started writing this thinking it was a message from me to you, then quickly began flowing with the channeled message and, today, it is free to everyone. I hope you decide to support what I do if you find value here — and I also hope you connect deeply to this truth, no matter who you are and where you are at. Breathe and Be well!
“Often you forget how simple and easy Creation made everything. You forget that the access point to All is within. You look outside of yourselves for Source constantly, trying to fill up on something ‘out there’. You do it via consumption of media, other people’s energy and attention, attaining accolades or certifications, and sometimes drugs, alcohol, food and sex. You get distracted by the search. You end up lost.
You find people, sometimes, and think, “they’ve got it, they’re the one, that’s my teacher, my guy, my lady…” and it may be somewhat true, for a time. But, this person is simply the best mirror for yourself, at that time in your life, for that pattern point you are currently at. They’re a great teacher, for now.
More often, you ignore the teachers you don’t like. The ones who make you angry. The people who you react toward in indignation or disgust. Those are the best teachers, yet you almost never honor them for holding THAT mirror up for you. Still, you are seeing the same thing in either the teacher you love or the teacher you hate: yourself.
It is one more aspect of the simplicity with which our entire being and this place called Earth was made: everything reflects everything, and you are THAT.
Inside, then, is the place of Highest Connection, the Pure Voice, the Clear Vision, the Direct Knowing. Yes, even inside of YOU.
Your biggest stumbling block, often, is that you simply cannot believe that you are the One. You. You are the One. You are the ‘special’ person, the gifted, the powerful, the Source Channel. You are THAT.
So, go in. See what’s inside. You will have some powerful emotion and healing to go through first, more often than not, but behind that energy that’s been waiting who knows how long to release, you’ll see the Still Surface of Truth and it will invite you to dive in.
Breathe to move within, breathe to remain there, breathe to release what is meant to go, breathe to be with God.
We are always right beside you, holding you in love, encouraging you - you are precious to us and we revel in your upliftment. Trust.”
Thank you thank you thank you, love you love you love you.
If you’re ready, consider taking a course from me. I’m a Master Teacher, Board Certified, and have decades of experience both teaching and healing and channeling messages through for Source — my deepest desire is for you to find within you all that I’ve found within me. Let’s go.