Fellow lovers of the light! Did you ever consider the brightest lights are found within the darkest darkness?
The concept of the Yugas, from the Vedic traditions, show us a long view of history, stretching out to eternity in either direction. In this Yuga cycling, we go from Golden Ages of abundance and the highest human achievements in Universal Harmony to the Dark Ages of the Kali Yugas, where humanity sinks into degradation and disconnection from all harmony.
We’re all up in that Kali Yuga right now, in case you were wondering.
Some lament this fact!
Some are in denial about it.
The truth is, all descriptions of the Kali Yuga found within the Vedic texts describe exactly these moments of modernity that would not have been true for any other time.
For example, the Vedic Texts describe these aspects, as quoted from this source:
Genuine religion will disappear day by day.
People will be unclean, untruthful, merciless, short-lived, and of weak memory.
Wealth alone will be the indicator of a person’s social status.
Those with power and influence will escape justice and flout the law.
In place of marriage, men and women will live together simply due to romantic attraction
The worth of a man or woman will be judged according to their expertise in sex.
Success in business will depend on deceit.
Those who do not have money will be considered substandard human beings.
Hypocrisy will be accepted as a virtue.
Beauty will be judged simply by one’s hairstyle.
People will think that eating well is the highest goal of life.
People will practice religion simply to achieve fame.
There will be widespread famine and excess taxes, and people will be forced to flee to forests and mountains.
The maximum duration of life will be 50 years.
By the end of Kali Yuga, human beings will be of a reduced size, the Vedas will be completely forgotten, and the leaders of society will be thieves.
People will have no other professions than simply cheating, killing, and stealing from one another.
It is bleak. And you have to admit that, for this description to have been written many thousands of years ago, it is exceedingly prescient of this current time we live in. Some of those descriptions are still coming into being and, as indicated, will get worse over time.
If you’ve heard my story about meeting Sai Baba, specifically this Sai Baba, you’ll remember he told me a specific timeline for the return of Christic Consciousness to this plane, and that time scale does not match the perceived 400k more years of Kali Yuga foreseen by the quoted text above.
I met Sai Baba through a man I never would have thought to be special or spiritually adept, mostly because I am, like most people, a judgmental asshole. He was unkempt, uncouth, and uncaring of what anyone thought about him. Obviously, that’s as it should be, but I digress. Through a series of synchronicities I won’t even begin to go through here, I ended up in his talk at an event I never meant to be at.
A ball of light came through the wall and floated around for a moment before moving to land in this man’s head. I am well-accustomed to orbs and beings of other dimensions and the only reason this specific occurrence shocked me, at the first, was because I’d never seen it occur in front of a room full of people.
The thing was: no one seemed to notice!
I don’t know if they noticed this man suddenly shake his head and seem to change his mannerisms completely, I don’t know that they noticed his aura suddenly become pure golden light, I don’t know that they understood that the words he suddenly spoke were different in every perceivable way from what he had spoken prior to the light ball dropping into his head… I don’t know if they really even understood his words. It was almost like they dropped out of full consciousness, for whatever reasons.
Sai Baba said many things. Among them, he warned that the darkest of the dark age was coming. He warned that it would start in 2020. He warned that it would get worse and worse and that, by 2024 it would be impossible to ignore and would change our lives. He then said it would become even more seemingly hopeless and unmanageable until, in 2033, something would change.
He told us, “Do not fear, do not ever be without hope, for I am always with you and nothing will stop the return of the Christ’s Consciousness.”
When he was done proclaiming and sharing this vision of the future and this hope for tomorrow, he then left the guy’s head, a lightball once again, and proceeded to fly out of the room in his shiny merkabah.
The man made some dragon faces as the lightball left his head, shook himself again, and then said, “Those were not my words, that was Sai Baba.”
While we are in the midst of dark times, one excellent truth about incarnating during a Kali Yuga is this: even the smallest step toward the light is rewarded incomprehensibly. The light is BRIGHTEST in the darkness…
In the Golden Age or the Satya Yuga, everyone is striving toward higher purity and spiritual consciousness. To make any progress in that amount of EASE of doing so means that, in the long run, it is a strenuous acquisition.
If you light a candle in the sun, it barely shines at all.
If you light it in the midst of the deepest cavern, everything is illuminated.
On this same principle, I now go into the Dark-Room Retreat. I was called to do so many many months ago and finally located a place to do so only recently. I was accepted to do a five day journey in utter blackness without even a photon of light for my eyeballs to feast upon.
In this darkness, we find our inner light.
In this darkness, we return to what is most sacred and true: that nothing can extinguish our light.
I go to the darkness to release decades of outer striving and to transform my energies into inner creation.
I go to the darkness to be reborn.
We are all here in the Kali Yuga together, kindling the fires that illuminate EVERYTHING and reclaiming all that the darkness tries to consume. We remember what it is that makes us of the light, what it is that stokes our brightness, and the indestructability of our Souls.
Let’s shine, especially in spite of the darkness. Let’s remember the dark has only ever had one thing to teach us: it is always dark, in the beginning.
Time to begin.