Never once did I truly believe in past lives and never once did I imagine that, if they did exist, they could possibly matter.
Until they returned to my consciousness in full force and ripped me apart.
Now, I cannot deny their existence and, even more, I cannot deny how crucial a role they play in coming to full healing and thriving in this lifetime.
Physical pain and chronic ailments left me when I recalled past lives and healed the trauma stored within them. Mental blockages melted away. Emotional dams burst and wellness flowed into the spaces that once had lain barren and parched.
Addiction, emotional reactivity, flashbacks, lifelong ticks and habits that seemed random and disconnected, phobias — all of it had an Origin Point in a past life.
Meditation can invoke a lot of experiences, but I had never been so instantly immersed in the reliving of memory so vivid it felt like it was happening right here and now, even as a small part of my consciousness knew it was not. In fact, I wasn’t even me:
I was a man, somewhere in a time of stone buildings and kings and armies. I was in a dungeon. I was torturing another man. I removed teeth, I slid sharp things under fingernails, I made a million little cuts and then threw substances into the cuts… And I liked it. I felt noble. I felt like this was the work not everyone could do and it was the work that was crucial to saving the kingdom or the realm. I did it for my country and my leaders. I did it for our way of life. I was removing the filth and vermin…I was creating order out of chaos.
Emerging from this experience brought a merging of this consciousness, as Lindsey Scharmyn, with that consciousness, as a man the likes of which I hate and revile… except, I also understood him. I understood him because he was me and I lived that truth.
Even those we judge as evil do not generally feel of themselves that they are, and I had been no different.
Now just like any other memory I possessed, I had to suddenly come to terms with having murdered and tortured other human beings. What’s worse, I had to forgive myself for what I’d done, which I really, really didn’t want to do! I hated me!
Here’s the kicker: in this life, as Lindsey Scharmyn, as a small child of five to nine years of age or so, I had been tortured.
In this life, it was a dentist who tortured me. All of my trauma (of which there’s been plenty) was intimately caught up in this initial trauma of horrifying pain and torture. I’d spent my life in dissociative states because of this trauma. I’d spent my life in addiction and abusive relationships because of this trauma. I’d spent my life hating the man who did this to me, with no understanding of how I could ever do anything but wish him illness, horror, death and worse…
And then I was him.
And everything shifted. Where before I had hoped only to release myself from the active fear and hatred and revulsion of what had happened to me as a child, now I could truly and actively understand the act of torture…and the act of forgiving it.
Once I did, tooth pain and related issues simply vanished. Emotional scars and reactivity simply vanished. I had found the origin point of the pain and I had brought love and forgiveness to it.
You can, too.
After healing over seven of my own past life traumas by first recalling and reconnecting to the events in which the energy had originally been stored, I was Guided by my Spiritual Guides and Allies to begin offering Past Life Tarot Readings to anyone who chooses them.
I have no idea if anyone else in the world has ever done tarot readings to access past lives for others, but I’ve never much cared what anyone else in the world is doing. I go where I’m led and do what I’m Guided to do.
After seeing how powerfully the experience transformed people’s healing journeys, I have now been Guided to put together a supported, guided, loving, series of experiences, healings, blessings, coaching and Source Messaging Sessions in a package I’m calling the Past Life Trauma Healing Journey.
People who have spent six months to a year working with me say things like this:
"I knew I needed to change my energy in order to change my life. One year of working with Lindsey and she has helped me do just that! I am not the same person as I was a year ago and it’s all so beautiful! My Spiritual Growth became stronger with each session, which in turn contributed to better mental health and clarity. The pain from past traumas, internal and external, has begun to heal. I am still, to this day, mind blown at how Lindsey’s presence heals my soul. Do this for yourselves, you absolutely deserve it!"
I’m a happy healer from my own work with Jungian Psychotherapists, EMDR therapists, Spiritual Healers, Shamanic Healers, Neuro Linguistic Programming and more — and I utilize all of these collective techniques in my own practice, helping people to skip ahead, so to speak, and experience a shortcut to healing on which they would have otherwise spent decades and tens of thousands of dollars.
If your forward movement has seemed to stop or reverse, if your trauma is calling you to be released, if your psyche is yearning for reintegration, if you’re ready to give yourself the gift of peaceful prosperity, come look into the past in order to create a brighter future.
Until my own past lives returned to my consciousness in full force and ripped me apart, I didn’t know better. I struggled through years of therapeutic modalities… now, I can share the crucial role past lives play in coming to full healing and thriving in this lifetime.
Past lives exist, they matter, and they’re often the origin point of what we are re-experiencing and creating in this lifetime. Let’s balance the karmic scales together.
The content of this site and any services or products offered are for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. No express or implied guarantee of results are made. Participating in any Session may come with risk and each human responds differently. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner, or have been diagnosed with any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing, modifying, or taking part in any program, including meditation and spiritual work. Rogue Soul Services and Lindsey Scharmyn expressly disclaim any liability of any kind or nature relating to any person’s use of the content, services, or products available herein.
🌻 to you