The Science of Transcendence
The manufactured divide between spirituality and science has held humanity back long enough - time to smash it to pieces
To say nothing of the myriad studies, peer-reviewed and repeatable, probing the reality of psychic phenomenon, psychokinesis, non-local consciousness, past life memories, beyond death cohesive cognition, and remote viewing, the cult of Scientism finally seems at death’s door and ready to admit that what has long found itself relegated to the fringe is perhaps the unifying field and ultimate answer to all scientific inquiries and disciplines: consciousness.
While the dull and mind-controlled bleat into the wind about their superiority and attach to Atheism as though it is not just as faith-based a cult as any other “ism”, the truly genius have always admitted that scientific philosophy and theology are two branches of one tree, simply viewing the world and its varied phenomenon from different angles.
We come to the same truths, we name them different things, and we pretend we are doing different work.
But there is only one reality, one thing, and we see more and more just how destructive it has been to pretend that “science” must equal “mechanism” and infinite reductivism.
The true pioneers in their disciplines reach out into the abyss of the unknown and, instead of trying to reduce it to component parts, attempt to grasp the gestalt in which the whole truly is transcendent of its parts, elegant beyond comprehension, and reminding us of the primacy of consciousness, all along.
In one recent study, it is discovered that the human brain is fractal in physical architecture. We had already shown, in previous studies, that human thought is multi-dimensional and fractal in energetic pattern, now we have the corresponding evidence to show that the brain itself, whether an outgrowth of that patterning or designed to best harness it, is a miraculous structure the finesse of which no human could have imagined, in the distant past.
In fact, if the cult of Scientism would dare to look through new eyes, they would see that there is nothing that is not fractal in nature.
The fractal nature of every aspect of the universe, from what we call physical to what we call energetic and beyond, is fundamentally perfect for conscious expansion as the system is infinitely parallel. There is no end and no beginning. To quote another study on quantum optical dynamics of neuronal microtubule networks,
“the brain is a fractal massively parallel processor generating complex spatiotemporal electromagnetic field patterns that correlate with cognition and perception […] a key property of a fractal system is scale-free complexity, which means that the degree of complexity of the system is invariant under scaling— […] it can be shown that the degree of complexity within the human brain is approximately invariant from the tissue, to the cellular, to the molecular levels.”
Our consciousness is at the level of complexity it is right here and now and, someday, as we grow and change, it can move upward or downward in complexity, always finding the perfect place to settle because of this fractal nature of energy, information flow, and physical structure.
Terrence McKenna, the equally maligned and celebrated genius of the entheogenic influence, studied to locate the mechanism by which humans could experience the transcendent and seem to bring information from afar, from other dimensions, from beyond death, or from their own ancestral lineage and into the present. Actionable, life-altering, consciousness expanding information comes through humans, provably, in non-local transference which Scientism traditionally ignores completely, blaming anything it cannot control and touch as delusion, as hallucination, or as group or individual psychoses.
When McKenna authored Invisible Landscapes, he posited that our tryptophan networks somehow activated in order to coherently produce massive electro-chemical force in which our DNA could literally unzip, open to access, and rezip in order for us to obtain data from a vast trove of information humanity has been accruing over the millennia, stored in code within every cell.
Now, researches have found that tryptophan networks in the body do activate, do contain biological architecture that can become collectively coherent within the organism, do become quantum-optically enhanced, and result in long-range resonance and synchronization.
Is this a result of the fractal nature architecture and a holographic access point therein? A sort of fail-safe for any human reaching up to higher levels of consciousness to experience?
This mechanism, according to the authors, entails highly ordered core microtubules filament bundles that become ultrafast information transference points. If you’ve ever had an epiphany, a whole-being, consciousness enhancing awakening experience, or what some people refer to as a "kundalini activation”, you may intuit these scientists are describing exactly that state of being and leveling-up which yogis and monks have described for centuries upon centuries of human involution.
We humans don’t just stop at the uplifting of our consciousness, either. We are physically, structurally adaptable. The Cult of Scientism has long pressured you to believe that you are the result of millennia of evolution, that involution is not a part of the puzzle, that you are therefore reduced to the random choices and environmental experiences your ancestors were exposed to and that your DNA is purely mechanistic, just like everything else in existence.
As usual, they’re delusional and their faith is placed in the most depressing and limited of possible paradigms.
You, in fact, carry all the tools in which you may edit or change your DNA, to speak nothing of the power of epigenetics and your created environment, including your thoughts and feelings, to change and create the expression of any genome within you, including the ability to edit the genome itself.
So far, we’ve only found the direct editing capability in Octopus, which explains why they seem to defy physics in their ability to change shape, texture, patterning and color in a flash, but you know how nature loves the infinite parallelism and homologous structuring of the fractal nature — do you imagine that this mechanism would exist only in the wiggly undersea jigglers?
When it comes down to it, what Scientists who are not cult-like, obsessed with reductivism, and addicted to mechanism understand the universe as it is: as a non-local, hyper dimensional, holo-fractal consciousness existing at every possible juncture in perfect elegance with the ability for intelligence to manifest and move as it wills.
As so eloquently put by a Dr. William Brown:
At the fundamental-most scale the universe is a singular quantum field, and there is a continual flux of energy and information through this field. This flux of information, as it is coordinated through the multiply connected geometry of the entanglement network of space (spacememory), animates the universe with qualities of an innate intelligence present in the self-organizational dynamics, in fact a hyperintelligence and natural sentience, that is not the result of computation or clockwork, but due to the interrelationship (often nonlocal) between all subsystems of the universe, which synergistically self-organize in a hyper-intelligent fully cooperative and inter-connected system.
The Spiritual Ancestors came through with this same essential message, back in October 2023: that our DNA could not be changed forever by injectable modified RNA, that no power could control our genetic expression but Nature itself, including ourselves as a fundamental expression of that Divine Nature.
And so it would seem the mantra or affirmation they gave each and every one of us to use, to remind ourselves of the truth and to reclaim our power, is more than apt.
Those who fight so hard to reduce a complex universe to a reductive series of mechanistic causes and effects without taking into account the undeniable presence of trans-dimensional consciousness manifesting in holo-fractal unity and totality will never understand themselves or this crushingly gorgeous existence.
They are without imagination, which deprives them of a specific superpower of the manifested consciousness in which we walk.
What an empty path…
May it bring them back to themselves, the only true mystery they will ever encounter, so that they can remember who they are and why they came here.
May we find the unified field within us and one another in order to leave behind the Age of Emptiness we have created.