Only You Can Heal You
And you can heal ANYTHING from chronic illness to supposedly incurable diseases to emotional trauma to cancer in a few simple steps...
Brave & Conquering Soul!
You can heal ANYTHING
Your body is a HEALING MACHINE
All it needs is:
the right inputs (great foods, pure water, minerals, and love)
the right outputs (opening detox pathways like lymph through movement and cold showers, intestinal through enemas, and sweating through any means available)
and time
No matter what you do:
Go at the pace you are able
Bless your choices!
Always remember:
You are now — and always have been — doing the best you can
The best you can is always more than good enough
You're doing better than you ever have been, and that will always be true!
All of the information here is for educational and example purposes and nothing should ever be done without a death-dealing doctor who doesn't even believe you can heal, I should say for legal purposes, as well as that you should always do what your medical teams say to do and nothing else!
Detox Pathways Open:
Walk, do yoga, or even just move your arms and legs in Qigong like movements in order to move lymph DAILY
Do full cold blasts at the end of showers, incrementally until you're at three minutes daily
Go to and order an enema kit, watch their videos, and get the coffee and wheatgrass from them (DO NOT USE REGULAR COFFEE, only enema coffee is free of mold!)
Do a PURIFIED water or wheatgrass enema first, retain it as long as you are relatively comfortably able, then follow with a coffee enema and try to retain for fifteen minutes before releasing
it is smart to do belly massages or somewhat vigorous belly shaking and palpitating if the enema fluid does not release fully after fifteen or twenty minutes. It isn't dangerous or bad if it never releases at all, but it is ideal for a release to occur
Keep hydrated with PURIFIED water with minerals added by adding about 1/8 tsp Real Salt, Himalayan Salt, or Celtic Sea Salt to every bottle of water you drink
Get sweating, ideally in an infrared sauna
Good Food In:
Wahl's Diet Protocol is the most healing diet that exists — the easy rule is ONLY greens, meat, and healthy fats
The ideal is LESS than 50 grams of net carbs a day, which is carbs minus fiber
Women: the week before your bleeding during your cycle, it is ideal to eat 250 carbs or so, so that is a fun time! It may be best NOT to fast during this time, as well
Drinking coffee often makes it more difficult to stay away from carbs and it is also dehydrating and acidic, so it is nice to replace it with Dandy Blend, Matcha, or Matcha with collagen
Less Digesting Time / More Fasting Time:
Work toward ONLY eating in a maximum 8 hour window any given day, no matter what your food choices are, for the rest of time
Eventually, work toward 4 or 5 hour eating window every day, no matter your food choices
When you're comfortable, try a 24 hour fast. For example, stop eating at 3pm one day and starting at 3pm the next day
When you're comfortable, do a 36 hour by stopping by late afternoon one day, skipping the next day entirely, and eating earlier on the third day
When you're comfortable, do a 48 hour fast in a similar manner
When you're comfortable, do a 72 hour fast in a similar manner
During any fast longer than 24 hours, drink "Snake Juice" by putting 2 tsp of healthy salts and 2 tsp of "No Salt" in no less than half a gallon of water. Drink this heartily and any time you are "hungry" or thirsty and it will keep you going — do not have more than 2 tsp of No Salt in any 24 hour period
When you feel headache, nausea or illness during a fast it is often because your minerals are low, so this should help a great deal
OR you are detoxing heavily and an enema will take care of that
Keeping Motivation and Forward Momentum:
Use Mantras you write out, post around the house, and REPEAT OUT LOUD multiple times a day, especially upon waking and going to sleep… here are some examples, but you can create ANY mantra you like
I can heal ANYTHING
I love myself infinitely and I trust myself to continue to heal at the pace that is best for me
I progress every single day and move toward better and better health and thriving
I am now and will continue to be always the best version of myself
Here is a free Mantra and Manifestation Course of mine
REMEMBER TO BREATHE AND REFOCUS DURING THE CRISES! The crises will always come, we will often feel hopeless, we will feel alone, and we will imagine that we have failed or could fail — it is especially important during these times to have people, mantras, or methods to keep us remembering that the crisis ALWAYS passes and we ALWAYS feel better than ever, afterward
Keep a journal of which modalities you're starting and how you are feeling as you go so that you can remind yourself of all your progress when the crisis comes!
All of the above is killing parasites and keeping them away!
Use Fenbenzadole no more than 10 days in a row, (use code 2SGPET for 10% off) taken WITH FATTY FOOD (So no fenbenzadole on days without food!) and then take at least a week off before another round
Use ivermectin in between rounds of fenbenzadole, as well
Remember that the emotional trauma and pain is going to come up, LET IT! That is a super detoxing experience, as well! Every single time any emotion comes up just say, “YES! I FEEL THIS WAY!” And let it rip!
For every single thing we are talking about here, from disease to parasites to negative mindsets to old habits to trauma: BETTER OUT THAN IN.
So very much love to you on your healing journey!
If I can help you along the way, let me know. I have also written much more extensively about protocols and health boosting modalities here, here, and here. And here’s a bonus round, for you.
Let it all go and trust your body's infinite ability to heal anything.
Fantastic, powerful, healing. Thank you. I copied it to my health file.